Alloy 600 has excellent corrosion resistance to dry chlorine gas and hydrogen chloride gas at moderate high temperatures, and has good corrosion resistance to hot lye. Pure nickel 200/201 is more suitable for handling high-concentration, high-temperature lye, but for ammonium hydroxide solution, and there are sulfides, and on-site welding is required, then 600 alloy is more suitable. The application in the heat treatment industry is very similar to that of RA330.
Alloy 600: UNS N06600, AMS5540, AMS5665, AMS5580, MIL-N15721, QQ-W-390
Alloy 600 is a non-magnetic nickel-based superalloy that combines high strength, hot and cold workability, and corrosion resistance. And the alloy exhibits good heat resistance, and there will be no aging corrosion or stress corrosion during the whole annealing to severe cold working process.